Letter to the Editor

Who’s the real threat?


This is in response to "Public officials grapple with threats, raising questions about local

democracy” (two-part series, April 19 & 26).

As a former city council candidate who got 46 percent of the vote, a former elected Doña Ana County Republican Party Treasurer, a two-time delegate to the state convention and a member of the party central committee for years, I know many, many conservatives. Not one of them is a nut. 

I also was a Democrat for years earlier in my life.

Reporters and local socialist Democrat politicians and President Biden talk about the other side being radicals and racists and threats to democracy. It is a campaign theme of the Democrats. It is a lie. They should look in the mirror.

My guess is that city councilors have seen two of their comrades thrown out in the last election, so they plan to do as much political damage as they can, such as a tax increase, before announcing they will not run again. They'll have lesser-known replacement candidates of the same ilk and the same goals run in their places. They'll say they are not running

because they are afraid.The same type of people report normal parents who complain at school board meetings to the authorities to be harassed. It is a Democrat socialist political tactic.

When my wife and I attended a Mike Pence rally at the Las Cruces airport years ago, we stood in line with normal people conversing cordially while a nasty crowd stood across the street shouting at us with bullhorns. That scene depicted who the radicals were. It was not us.

William Beerman

Las Cruces

Letter to the Editor