The Veterans Coalition of Grant County celebrates Veterans Day on Saturday with music, speakers and a free meal at American Legion Allingham-Golding Post 18 beginning at 11 a.m., at 409 W. College Ave.
The program which features the High Lo Silvers chorus performing the songs of each military branch, and much more. The guest speaker will be Susan Beck, a retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel. There will be booths with information and resources for veterans.
A free spaghetti meal will be offered after the program.
The Silver City Woman’s Club is hosting its annual Veterans Day dinner for vets and their spouses at 5 p.m. at the clubhouse, located at 411 Silver Heights Blvd. in Silver City.
Also, the Silver City Elks Lodge No. 413, 4051 N.M. 90, will have a veterans dance at 7 p.m. with finger food and a raffle.