Letter to the Editor

On baffling school zones


Is there any way to make sense of school zones in the Las Cruces Public Schools District?

  1. A .3-mile-long zone that protects a vacant lot and a middle school, Vista, that is two blocks away. Admittedly, there was a school here several years ago, and there might be one again in the future.
  2. A school zone in front of an elementary school, East Picacho, a hardware store and a residential block.
  3. A school zone in front of part of a high school, Mayfield, and a church. Although there are two crosswalks from the school, only one of them is in the school zone.
  4. School zones on two major streets for an elementary school, (MacArthur, that is two blocks away.
  5. Finally, an elementary school, Fairacres, on a major road with no school zone at all!

Tom Warren

Las Cruces

Letter to the Editor