Against raising Las Cruces gross receipts tax


Somehow, I just cannot fathom how Chris Faivre, the deputy economic development director, came up with the results he did. (“City staff propose tax increase,” April 26). I cannot fathom anyone, taking any survey, that would be for tax hikes of any kind. This is what we have come to expect, however, from our city government, and indeed the state’s Democratic leadership.

The reasoning behind this increase is to “fund capital improvements and maintenance of public safety initiatives, housing, roads and traffic and public facility improvements.” Wasn’t that what the $23 million dollar GO Bonds we voted for back in 2022 was for? There was a $6 million affordable housing GO Bond voted on also.

So why, Mr. Faivre, are you proposing another tax increase of 0.2375 percent, which will take $9 million dollars out of our pockets with a proposal to take another $11 million through a referendum by raising taxes another 0.3250 percent?

Councilor Flores says, “If it’s not voted on by the voters, then we could go to an ordinance.” We’ve all seen the way this council

throws ordinances around and crams things we don’t want down our throats. Is this what the city council intends to do — if you don’t vote for it, they intend to raise the taxes anyway?

I would expect Mr. Faivre and the city council to want to do good things for our citizens and not opt to raise taxes again. What do you think we’re made out of, money? Discard this foolish initiative of yours and stop trying to raise our taxes.

Michael Potts

Las Cruces