Guest Column

On abortion and where I stand


We’re getting close to election season, which for me means again preparing to see and hear millions of dollars in advertising from liberal special interest groups smearing me and misleading New Mexico voters about my positions. They are desperate to keep my common sense voice out of Congress, and the truth means nothing to them in that pursuit.

This time around they’re getting an early start, using the sensitive and personal topic of abortion to confuse New Mexicans about where I stand. I want you to hear directly from me in order to sort fact from fiction.

First, and this is no secret, I am pro-life. As a Christian, I believe every human life is a sacred gift from God.

I also greatly empathize with the many women who find themselves with an unintended pregnancy, which is why I support exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. These can be very difficult and scary situations, and it is important that we extend every option available to women to help them make the right decision for their personal situation, including access to women’s health care services, ultrasounds and counseling.

I believe we must do a better job of supporting mothers - and fathers - through pregnancy, birth and beyond. This is why I support making the adoption process easier, making it less of a burden to foster children, and providing tax relief for mothers on baby supplies like diapers or bottles. I also fully support increased access to birth control, education that can reduce unintended pregnancies and fertility treatments like in-vitro fertilization (IVF) that have given countless families the opportunity to experience the joy of parenthood.

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade in 2022, it returned the responsibility of setting abortion policy to the states. The people of each state must now decide for themselves what limits should be placed on abortion. 

That is not to say that I agree with New Mexico’s current policy of abortion being legal up until the day of birth for any reason. I am disappointed to see our progressive leaders continue to create a late-term abortion tourism industry in our state using your taxpayer dollars. 

However, if the voters of New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District choose to return me to Congress, I will respect the Supreme Court’s ruling. I will not support a national abortion ban. That authority now lies with New Mexicans and our leaders at the state level. 

I will, though, oppose any attempts to fund abortions with federal tax dollars. And I will support guaranteeing medical care for babies born alive after a failed abortion.  

We can disagree civilly on difficult issues like abortion while working together to bring down the cost of living, secure our border, and get crime under control.

Yvette Herrell served in the U.S. House of Representations from 2021-23, and is a candidate for the office in the Nov. 5 election.

Guest Column, Yvette Herrell