Good news for buyers and sellers in December


Our market continues to adjust itself and December was no different in Las Cruces.  In 2023, economic factors, building costs and rising interest rates all played a role in how our market performed. 

December looked much like the years prior to 2020.  While historically December is the slower month in real estate, our market still performed well with sellers closing at 97 percent of the asking price.  Buyers are starting to see some relief not only in interest rates, but also in the number of homes available, making homes more competitive in price.  You can expect a new influx of home buyers, as interest rates have fallen below the 6 percent mark.  If you are a seller, you can still expect top dollar for your home; however, it may sit on the market a little longer than you're used to. There is lots of encouraging news to begin 2024, and it's still a great time to be a homeowner in the Mesilla Valley.

Home Market