The Las Cruces City Council instituted a $56 fine for parking illegally in a public electric vehicle parking spot earlier this week.
The 5-0 vote on Feb. 5 also amended the municipal code to acknowledge and define electric vehicles and EV charging stations.
A packet presented to the council said the change aligns with the city’s Climate Action Plan. The council adopted that plan in 2020. The plan calls for the city to reduce emissions by 19 percent by 2030 and 73 percent by 2050.
“The transportation sector contributes 53 percent of greenhouse gas emissions and is the largest contributor of emissions in Las Cruces,” a resolution adopting the fine said.
The rule is only enforceable in public parking spots owned by the City of Las Cruces. Parking spots with EV charging stations in private lots are subject to the whims of the lot’s owners. Across the city, there are 40 parking spots with EV charging stations, 16 of which are owned by the city.
The fine goes into effect on April 1, 2024.