The grave of deceased military veterans will be honored in Las Cruces and El Paso, and nationwide, on Wreaths Across America Day, Dec. 14.
In Las Cruces, the nonprofit United Military Women of the Southwest says it will place wreaths on graves at HillCrest Cemetery, 5140 W. Picacho Avenue, beginning at 2 p.m. on Dec. 14. The wreaths are purchased through donations by local businesses and military friends’ organizations. Preceding that, the UMW will host a Bingo event at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7, at the American Legion, 1185 E. Madrid Avenue.
Last year, the organization distributed 192 wreaths locally.
The El Paso Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol called for sponsorships for wreaths to be placed on veterans’ graves at the Fort Bliss National Cemetery, 5200 Fred Wilson Avenue in El Paso. In a flyer the organization also said volunteers would be needed between 7 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., and noon to 4 p.m. At, organizers said the deadline to order wreaths was Dec. 7, with 1,804 purchased in 2024 as of Monday. The website offered a page for sponsoring a wreath as well as an opportunity volunteer. Further information is available via 915-207-2231.