Last week, on the same day we honored the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and witnessed the swearing in of our new president, Donald Trump. Their visions for what America can be could not be more different. We agree with Dr. King that it is our duty to build a “beloved community,” a society rooted in justice, equality and love.
We know the next four years will be hard on many New Mexicans — immigrant and working families, the LGBTQ community, unhoused neighbors, Black and indigenous people, and other marginalized populations. And though difficulties await, something greater also awaits in the power and hope of the people of Southern New Mexico. We also know that faith without action will not create King’s vision of a “beloved community.”
King’s beloved community emphasizes nonviolence, reconciliation and the idea that all people — regardless of race, background, or belief — can live together in harmony despite our differences. The beloved community is a society where people care for one another, work together for common good, and share in the benefits of freedom and opportunity.
NM Comunidades en Acción y de Fe is unwavering in its commitment to fight for New Mexico families. We will take action in 2025 to demand immediate solutions for those struggling to make ends meet. We demand that our local, county and state public officials find practical, humane and logical solutions to ensuring community safety. Third, that the Legislature prioritize mental and behavioral health services in southern New Mexico. Fourth, that students are free to be and express themselves, regardless of age, gender, and status – and that they are safe in their schools. Lastly, we demand that our queer and immigrant communities are respected for who they are and not scapegoated for problems they did not create in an effort to divide us from each other.
Beloved community is not just an idea, it is a call to action. We must actively participate in building a more just, empathetic, and compassionate world. We face many challenges ahead, but we can overcome them together.
We remind the greater Las Cruces community of King’s words: “Agape does not begin by discriminating between worthy and unworthy people…It begins by loving others for their sakes” and “makes no distinction between a friend and enemy; it is directed toward both. … Agape is love seeking to preserve and create community.”
NM CAFé’s mission is to unlock the power of people in southern New Mexico by organizing our families and communities, and that is what we will continue to do moving forward.
Stevie Paz is the director of communications for NM CAFé.