City should have known better about open meetings

Letter to the editor


Dear editor,

Congratulations to the Las Cruces Bulletin for serving valiantly as the watchdog of government for their ongoing coverage of the Las Cruces City Council's hiring of the new city manager. Reading the recent article about the council's action to go back and pass resolutions pledging transparency in the future rings hollow.

Gee, wouldn't it be nice if we were all able to have "do-overs" for past transgressions to wipe the slate clean?

The city councilors and mayor should have known better than to discuss and then hire a successor basically behind closed doors since they are not new to how government works and are well aware of the state's open meetings law. 

Government works best and gains public trust through open vetting of hiring and other official practices, thus letting the sun shine on its inner workings. The city manager who was hired may ultimately prove to be a good hire, although I believe his salary for a city the size of Las Cruces is excessive. Let's hope city leaders have learned their lesson and strive to be more transparent in future employee and city policy matters.

Rob McCorkle, Las Cruces