Las Cruces generosity shines again


There are lots of reasons Life is Good in Las Cruces.

The weather is great, for the most part. The food is great, especially when you add some local green chile. And the mountain views and sunsets are spectacular.

But when you corner people about what they like best, the most common answer is “the people.”

And a huge reason the people make Las Cruces great is their relentless generosity.

When I announced in this column a few weeks ago I was going to shave my head to raise funds and awareness for three local cancer organizations, I tossed out a goal of $3,000.

It seemed a round number, and a way to generate $1,000 each to the organizations. It was a longshot, a bit of a prayer.  But the generosity of your friends and neighbors put that prayer in action.

It’s well known Doña Ana County is one of the poorer spots in the country. It’s also well known we give more money, per capita, to more good causes than almost any other place. And this is yet one more example of the way Las Crucens care for each other.

Also a shout-out to the Mirabals at City Barber Shop, who cut off my mop-top.

To date, the donations have totaled $3,197. As a reminder, here are the groups receiving the funds.

Cowboys for Cancer Research – Started in 1982, C4CR, as they have become known, grew out of friends’ love for cancer victim and rodeo cowgirl Alma Cohorn. It started with friends gathering for a team roping, and grew into the force behind Tough Enough to Wear Pink, and joined with New Mexico State University to create the biggest Pink campaign in the world. That helped fund ongoing research endowments at both NMSU and the University of New Mexico. Learn more at

CARE (Cancer Aid Resource & Education) – CARE works to address the “financial toxicity” of cancer. The disease brings many additional costs that can ruin families’ wealth. CARE works to provide services and support in small and large ways, from giving people rides to medical appointments to helping someone pay a utility bill. The organization celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Learn more at

Cancer Warriors Las Cruces – This new group is focusing on women’s cancers, such as breast and ovarian cancers. When local entrepreneur Marci Dickerson was diagnosed with breast cancer, she quickly learned the many unexpected struggles of the illness. “We all know cancer sucks,” Dickerson said. “Our goal is to make it suck less.” Kits with needed creams and special shirts and other support items cost $130. Those kits, and the support of a strong sisterhood, can make a big difference. Learn more at