Fire department urges safe cooking on Thanksgiving


Structure fires tend to increase during Thanksgiving and the winter holiday season, according to fire departments nationwide, and a frequent cause involves cooking accidents.

The Las Cruces Fire Department issued a news release featuring precautions for home cooks in time for Thanksgiving.

  • Start cooking projects with clean working areas and surfaces, and keep them maintained.
  • Keep the cooking area off-limits to children and pets.
  • Remember the saying about “too many chefs.” Limit the number of people cooking.
  • Avoid loose clothing or jewelry that might interfere with cooking or even catch fire.
  • Do not leave cooking areas unattended, indoors or outdoors. Turn burners off if you’re leaving the area alone.

Deep-frying hazards

Next, we come to the source of Thanksgiving joy and danger: Deep-frying turkeys.

The LCFD reminds residents never to use a deep-fryer in a garage, on a porch or around any fire hazards. Recommended practice is to place the fryer a minimum of 10 feet from all surfaces, walls and fences.

Additional tips followed:

  • Check the hose connecting the fryer to the propane tank, ensuring it is free from cracks and link enough to keep safe distance between the tank and the fryer.
  • Ensure the turkey is completely thawed, and move the turkey to and from the fryer slowly to avoid dropping the bird or upsetting the fryer.
  • Cover bare skin while using a fryer.
  • Never leave the fryer unattended and check the oil temperature regularly.
  • If a fire starts, call 911 immediately.
  • Do not attempt to put out a grease or oil fire with water.
  • Follow instructions and safety protocols that come with burners and fryers carefully.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher on hand and learn how to use it in advance.

Knife safety

The Las Cruces Bulletin adds its own recommendations for safe knife habits, noting that the Consumer Product Safety Commission reports hundreds of thousands of people injured annually by knives during Thanksgiving.

  • Carving meats should not be performed amid distractions or after consuming alcohol.
  • Dull knives are dangerous knives. Keep them sharp and clean.
  • Cut away from, not toward yourself.
  • Use a fork or other utensil to hold meats while carving, and keep your other hand clear of the blade.
  • Wash knives and put them away promptly, or keep them well away from counter edges or other objects.
Las Cruces Fire Department, Deep-frying hazards, Knife safety, Thanksgiving